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Letters of Recommendation

If you need anyone to write you a Letter of Recommendation OR if you need a counselor to fill out a Counselor Form through Parchment, Common App, Send EDU, fill out the Letter of Recommendation / Counselor Form In this form, you will list everything that your recommender will need to know about you in order to write a strong letter. You will automatically receive a copy of your responses in your student email. Forward this email with your answers to the person (counselor or teacher) that you would like to write you a letter. Do not delete this email - you may need your answers in the future for another letter!
Give the person writing the letter at least two weeks notice before you need it returned to you! In some cases, the letter will need to be mailed directly from the writer. If that is the case, provide them with an addressed, stamped envelope.
If you prefer a paper copy, you can enter your information directly into the word version of the Letter of Recommendation and then print out copies. You are responsible for printing and giving the filled-out form to the adult that you want to write a letter of recommendation for you. Make copies of your paper form so that you don't have to rewrite your answers every time you want another letter of recommendation. Keep them on hand to give to various adults as you go through the college process.
Please Plan Ahead - our office receives numerous counselor recommendations to be processed during the fall. Don't wait until the last minute.